Only 15 days to go!

Slowly the date is getting closer and closer and our event program is ready! You can browse through it and think about what you want to do. The list of publishers is not quite up to date yet, but you will find the current status there shortly.

The elephant in the room: Corona.

As you know, the situation is rather shitty because of Covid-19. Actually, we wanted to have a book fair where everybody can participate, which won’t be possible under the circumstances, but postponing it indefinitely is also nonsense – so we’d rather have a book fair with some restrictions. To make sure that the whole thing is as safe as possible, we have to ask you to follow some basic rules. We know this is annoying, but for the health of our comrades* it is worth it.

  1. Please come masked…uh…with mouth-nose-cover and wear it in all closed rooms (also tents).
  2. On arrival please come to the infopoint first and leave a contact form. There you will also get current information about the situation. We will make sure that there are not too many visitors at once, so that the events are not too crowded.
  3. The rooms in the house will have a maximum number of people per room, please take care with us, then we have less stress.
  4. If you suspect a corona infection, please stay at home!

And some last information:

We have a shift schedule for people who want to help to realize the book fair, if you can imagine doing that, please write us! We need people to carry drinks, help cooking, be at the infopoint, set up and clean and much more.

You can also contact us if you can offer sleeping places for comrades! Many people will surely be very grateful for that.

Just write us at infoladen [@tbb]

See you soon, we are looking forward to it!

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